
We’re very chuffed to have performed at our second concert celebrating the Queens Jubilee on the 2nd June 2012.

Following on from our inaugural concert in September 2011 we temporarily managed to swell the ranks with four new members (yay), but then lost six (boo)…  It really has been musical chairs and not unusual for a band still in it’s relative infancy. These challenges have not phased us and we have continued to enjoy ourselves under the direction of Matt Pithers who is currently serving as a musician in the Band of the Coldstream Guards.

We have been on a little sheet music spending spree, most of which you will be able to hear over the coming months and some we are still working on for a future performance. Listen out for these new pieces as well as some golden oldies.

Our Christmas concert is now confirmed for Sunday the 9th December 2012, please do feel free to contact us for more details and we look forward to seeing you there to enjoy a mince pie or two and some Christmas classics, mixed in with a few of our better known tunes.

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