
If you would like to join us, please complete the form below and submit it to us. We will then contact you with further information. If, as a parent, you are able to help us in whatever capacity – great! Have a look at the Adult Help pages to get inspired. We are a growing club and often have to operate a joining list; we therefore suggest that you register your interest at the earliest opportunity. We aim to ensure that we are in a position to offer a place in KSCC at the earliest opportunity once a young person reaches the correct age.

Request to Join Kingston Scouts Canoe Club

Please complete and submit this form

Your child\’s first name*

Your child\’s surname*

Male / Female*

Date of Birth (dd)*

Date of Birth (mm)*

Date of Birth (yyyy)*


Name of Parents / Guardians*


Post Code*


Home Telephone


As a parent, would you be willing to help us?*

If so, how?

How did you hear of KSCC


Email Form