Please feel free to view these videos. they were not intentionally filmed to be a demo
(Otherwise I would have done them better! 🙂 ), however the captions
and notes should give some indication on aspects to look at that will
hopefully aid your own paddling.
For further breakdowns or more detail, please feel free to contact
me via the contact page.
[cincopa AsAA98qvVbuP]
A basic side surf and simple crossing on a wave
Look for the body position & boat angle and how are they being used to balance the boat.
Note how paddle positions are not really being demonstrated in order to show how little effect the paddle is having on what the boat is doing.
[cincopa A4AAX9K2VDYR]
a very simple go and breakout in moving water
No fancy strokes are being show as they are not needed in this case. look for boat angles and body positions in order the achieve the breakout.
Some powerful forward strokes are important to ensure that the boat arrives in the right place. This in turn makes the rest much easier.
[cincopa AwHAM_aeVf9F]
Break in/out, Crossing a wave and back before Breaking and again to drop down and break out once more
Look for the different manoeuvres there are definite breaks between them, to breathe, pause, plan and relax before executing the next manoeuvre.
Look for body and boat positioning along with times to paddle and times to use a stroke. Always try to be efficient with both, power when needed and relax when not – there’s no hurry after all 🙂